
Coated freesheet markets regained a lot of lost ground in 2010 as demand, buoyed
by stock rebuilding, rebounded strongly. In turn, operating rates rose strongly and
drove major price gains. Demand cooled in early 2011 demonstrating that while
markets are much improved they continue to face challenges derived from shifts in
underlying demand and a sluggish economy.
Despite continued weakness in key sectors of the economy, containerboard markets staged a remarkable recovery during 2010
As we were getting ready to put this issue of PaperAge to ink, news of RockTenn buying Smurfit-Stone Container came across the business wire, and while I don�t normally use this space to present industry news, a deal of this magnitude — $3.5 billion — couldn�t be left to report in our next issue.
The main players holding non-committed tons ready to ship saw an opportunity to take advantage and added some raw cost inflation to the Recovered Paper Markets last week. It was actually perfect timing by a few to force the market higher with the same demand and supply amounts many mills say we had as we completed September.
As overall domestic pricing in the U.S. moves up closer with export pricing on the West Coast, overseas buyers feel no advancement is warranted to attract tons they will need to purchase in November.
Pulp and papermaking is an industry that impacts pretty much everyone on the planet, employing about 1.15 million workers in the U.S. alone, yet few know how the process works, other than having a vague sense that the sequence of events is:
Deriving its name from the German word for strong, Kraft paper is a sturdy machine made paper that is created using wood pulp. The finished product can be used in a number of different applications, ranging from wrapping meat at the butcher shop to paper grocery bags.
Don't throw away your old newspapers. Try making your own recycled paper!
North American industry has cut costs, brought discipline to production and listened to the customer
Fitch Ratings said that it expects shipments and earnings for the paper and forest industry to show some recovery in 2010, contributing to a modestly improved credit profile for the sector.
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) announced that ArborGen, Grays Harbor Paper, Marcal Paper Products, and Thilmany Papers are the newest members of the Association.
rices for uncoated freesheet (UFS) remained flat in North America in November, with the exception of 24-lb envelope, which rose $25-30/ton, catching up with the $35-40/ton hike on offset rolls last month, according to analysts at Deutsche Bank. These hikes were driven by higher pulp prices, slight pick-up in demand (Oct. shipments -9.3% y/y, YTD -13.1% y/y), and slightly lower October mill invento
Wausau Paper reported third-quarter net earnings of $14.6 million, or $0.30 per share, compared with net earnings of $2.3 million,
International Paper today reported preliminary 2009 third-quarter net earnings attributable to common shareholders of $371 million ($0.87 per share) compared with $136 million ($0.32 per share) in the second quarter of 2009 and $149 million ($0.35 per share) in the third quarter of 2008. Amounts in all periods include special items.
Major pulp producers have announced a $40 per metric ton price increase on both softwood and hardwood grades for September in key markets, said Mark Wilde, senior analyst at Deutsche Bank covering the Paper & Forest Products sector.
The pulp used for Sappi paper comes from well-managed tree farms. It arrives at the pulp mill in several forms - as whole tree trunks, as wood chips and as paper pulp from other mills. We also make pulp from secondary fibre sources such as waste paper.
paper and paperboard capacity edged down 0.8% in 2008 to 96.3 million tons, according to the American Forest & Paper Association’s 49th Annual Survey of Paper, Paperboard, and Pulp Capacity. Last year’s decline was just slightly below the 1.0% long-term trend rate of contraction recorded from 2001 through 2007. Cumulatively, paper and paperboard capacity has declined 7.3% since its 2000 peak level
As interfaces become ever more complex and development schedules seem to get shorter and shorter, you may find it useful to give up your user-interface modeling software for awhile in favor of something simpler. All you need is paper, pens, scissors, and your imagination
Johannesburg/ Last month, captains of industry from India, Brazil and SA (Ibsa) descended on the Indian capital for the third summit of the Ibsa Trilateral Business Council.
A staggering $2.1 billion in affiliate marketing fees were paid to blog and website owners in 2008. This finding in a recent study by Jupiter Research confirms what many savvy Internet marketers have known for a while: Affiliate marketing has become one of the top business opportunities online because the startup costs are so low and the income you generate can be mind-blowing
The severe downturn in the global economy that began this fall has effectively ended the nearly three year long bull pulp market.The spreading economic crisis has led to a contraction in paperdemand and in turn pulp consumption.
In one of the fastest turnarounds in history, containerboard markets did a U-turn in fourth quarter 2008 as demand collapsed in the face.
Abrasive Papers
Papers covered on one or both sides with abrasive powder, e.g. emery, sandpaper etc.
Absorbent Paper
This page contains list of various types of pulp and paper based on their end use, process of manufacturing, raw material used etc. Papers can be graded in 'n' numbers of ways and if we count all permutation and combination of grades total grades may well exceed 10000. Some of the major grades classifications are;
International Paper Reports Preliminary 2006 Results
With Earnings from Continuing Operations Before Special Items of $1.33 Per Share
While 2007 was a bleak year overall, newsprint producers regained
pricing power in late 2007 by masterfully managing supply by continuing
to shutter high cost capacity. Despite a steady dro‌p in consumption,
newsprint prices have risen dramatically—$180/tonne over nine months if the latest increase is enacted—and helped mills stay ahead of huge cost increases.
President-elect Obama, Congress Sent Strategies On Energy, Transportation, Housing, Taxes, Pensions, and Forestry
new process and quality control system on its PM 3 has helped Dunn Paper uphold the promise of its founder 84 years ago to make high quality its first consideration
A healthy dose of ingratiation can be as important as a great business plan.
Uncoated groundwood mills, although facing weak demand due to a drop-off in advertising caused by economic weakness and rapidly rising costs,
To submit an industry event to PaperAge, please email details to
John O'Brien at:
Ahlstrom has issued a proposal to start a cooperation procedure at its Kauttua plant in Finland regarding temporary layoffs of personnel in its crepe paper production.
One of the world's leading paper producers plans to shift its Asia-Pacific headquarters to Shanghai from Singapore as it considers a new US$1.6 billion investment in China.
Australia is a world leader in recovery and recycling of newspapers, according to figures just released by the Publishers National Environment Bureau (PNEB) in Sydney.
Here are some details about the financial architecture established in 1944 by the Bretton Woods Conference, which European and other leaders now say needs updating:
WASHINGTON –– The U.S. Department of Commerce on Friday said it had reaffirmed in a final, more thorough review an earlier decision to impose punitive duties on Chinese and German imports of lightweight thermal paper used to print cash-register receipts.
The Southern Forest Products Association, hosts for EXPO 2009 – the 30th Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition – has announced a call for ideas and papers to be presented during the show’s educational conference program.
The negative trend of wood technology orders, already recorded in the first quarter of the year 2008, worsened in the April-June period. After 3 years of growth, the usual quarterly survey shows that, as compared to the same period of 2007, orders from the Italian market decreased by 17 percent, 10.7 percent from abroad.
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) is both one of the youngest and one of the oldest major trade groups in the nation.
Base paper (Body Stock): The base stock for plain or decorated coated papers and boards. It may be uncoated or precoated on the paper machine.

Bond paper: Originally a cotton-content writing or printing paper designed for the printing of bonds, legal documents, etc., and distinguished by superior strength, performance and durability. The term is now also applied to papers such as letterhead
Back in the late 1600's, the Dutch invented the two-sheet mold. The average maximum stretch of an experienced vatman's arms was 44". Many molds at that time were around 17" front to back because the laid lines and watermarks had to run from left to right. Sounds big?...well to maximize the efficiency of paper making, a sheet this big was made, and then quartered, forming four 8.5" x 11
No matter where you go, what you do or how you do it, chances are it will involve paper. Paper links every facet of our life, however people are most familiar with the paper that is used at home and in the office. From the paper towels in the kitchen to the paper used in the printer and fax machine in the office, paper products provide convenience and a means of communication.
RUSSELL (AP) ––The push for more power from renewable fuels has renewed interest in one of the oldest energy sources: wood.
While airwaves have been permeated by advertisements for solar and wind power, last year wood generated more net electricity in the United States than those two up-and-comers combined.
Paper has been around for nearly 2000 years!!! Try to imagine life without it.
How do Hardwoods and Softwoods differ?
They look different. Some are smooth, some have bold grain and some have knots or bird eyes. They finish differently. The density of the various woods change the depth and tone of the color. The region where the furniture is made, the style, and the historical period of the piece determine the wood used.
BHKP - Bleached hardwood kraft pulp.

BKP - Bleached kraft pulp (includes all softwood and hardwood kraft pulp).

BSKP - Bleached softwood kraft pulp.

CWF - Coated woodfree printing and writing paper (see Woodfree paper).

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